Tuesday, June 12, 2007

LYS Tour projects?

So, I'm at the doctor's office today and the woman behind the counter whips out her knitting bag and a skein of Fleece Artist Wool Silk that she bought on the tour and asks me what she should make with it and what needle size she should get and etc., etc., etc. So this gets this other woman sitting in the waiting room in a lather and she wants to talk about the holy cross book marks she's crocheting and if we sell such-n-such thread.... But then the nurse comes out and saves me by telling me that it's time to pee in the cup. Whew! And all I wanted to do was catch up on my People magazine reading (even if it is 3 years old)!

If any of our readers/customers/friends/strangers have completed or are working on any of the LYS Tour free patterns, we would love to hear about it and post pictures! I know there are some of you out there because I've seen you working on them in the shop! Also, if anyone has had a chance to make anything from "Charmed Knits" yet, we would love to borrow it for the July Knit Nite for our Harry Potter display.

Speaking of the shop pattern, we should be getting more Suri Blue in before the end of the month and VC is ordering more of the Sea Silk. (Come to me, my precious.....) Oh, sorry, I was channeling Golem there.


1 comment:

knottykitty said...

You are so funny, Golem...I mean, Deb! :) I did one of the headbands from Wildfibers in Mt. Vernon, and am working on VY&T's Mermaid Wrap (version 2.0, as you know....)!