Friday, June 29, 2007

I'd like to thank the academy....

Our dear friend at KnottyKitty Knits nominated me for a Rockin' Girl Blogger award! Thanks KnottyKitty!! If you haven't visited her site, please do!

One of my responsibilities as a WINNER is to nominate others for this great award so, here it goes:

Sharon of The Adventures of NeedleGrrl! Sharon recently moved to Pennsylvania and we miss her dearly. She is very clever and has a WIDE range of interests, other than knitting.

Amy of good to be girl: a knitting blog. Another very talented woman and great artist. Not only is her blog fun to read but she has her own very successful on-line stitch marker business! You go girl!

Ree of Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. Now, Ree doesn't know me from Eve but her blog is one of my favorite non-knitting blogs. Mucho enjoyable!! You must check out the recipes she posts, complete with step by step photos.

Naomi of gnomiejo knits! Naomi is one of our customers who always has something wonderful to share with us. Her blog is always inspiring.

Last but not least, Ellen of *That's my middle name*. Ellen is one of our employees but I am able to ignore all the yarn she talks about that she didn't get from our shop. :-)


That's my middle name said...

...and I don't even have a speech prepared!

What, me buy yarn from somewhere else? Why no! It only comes from VYT, the best little yarn shop in the world!

Naomi said...

I love VY&T. Honestly the people that work/own this shop make it my favorite yarn shop in the Seattle area!

If you haven't ever visited here, you must!

Love you guys!