Sunday, June 17, 2007


This weekend was my one-year anniversary of NMC - no more chemo! So, to celebrate, I took myself on little kayaking trip off Bellingham. I'm not an experienced kayaker, yet, so I went with a guide and my friend Rachel. I used one of those disposable waterproof cameras so I don't have any of my own photos to post yet but this shot is from the Moondance Kayak website. (Picture that view with a gray haze.) I thought I would be really sore today but surprisingly, I'm not.

Not to get all mushy and sentimental but this trip was very metaphorical. How's that, you say? Well, like with my cancer, I was in uncharted waters and needed guidance; I had to have help from my friend to paddle through the rough water; and when it was over, I felt great and stronger than ever!

Our guide, Sharmon, was wonderful and I'm really looking forward to taking another, longer trip with her. Talk about a cool job. This is her 12th season on the water and she loves every trip. Even though the weather was a little gray, it was great being out on the water. It's so beautiful up there. What I really want to do is take the trip up to Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island, B.C. It's a gorgeous area and the water is calm. Anyone want to come with? There's room for knitting in the cargo hold!


Tava said...

Good for you Deb! Happy one year! I always forget you ever went through that because you always have a shining smile on your face and such a great attitude- you are an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

YEAH DEB! Tava's right - you have such wonderful energy that you radiate health, light and love!

I will totally go kayaking with you - but unfortunately being east of the mts and having a limited time it can't be a fun long trip. Maybe a moonlight paddle 'round Lake Union?

Sharon Rose said...

GO DEB!!!! :)