Wednesday, June 6, 2007

ArtFelt Fun

We had our first "alumni" get-together for the ArtFelt group last night. (For those of you not familiar with ArtFelt, it's the new stuff from Skacel that is used for needle/water felting.) It was a small group but I think we'll start making it a regular "thang." Kits are available at the shop and there is a class scheduled for July. I'm not sure when our regular gang meetings will be held but I'll post them when I figure it out. The building owners have been nice enough to loan us one of the empty condos whenever we meet so we can use the dryer. Weaving the roving seemed to be a theme this time but there are TONS of other applications. Here are some of the amazing projects that are either finished or in the works by some of our students:

Intricate use of the paper; woven together before felting - very clever.

Cute bag!

Another bag in the works

Weaving a scarf with pencil roving.


Unknown said...

I don't often comment on blogs because I usually read them at work and don't have time to comment. I also usually forget to come back to it when I do have the time. Clearly it's a slow day for me. :-) I don't get up to your shop often, but I do love it, and your blog.

Kim said...

Well thanks for letting me know about the artfelt thing...!