Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thursday mornings

My OTHER favorite time at the shop is Thursday morning. Shortly after we opened, some women started coming to the shop on Thursday mornings - not together but on their own. One of these women - Blanche Niznik - invited one of the other women who was sitting alone to join her at her table. From that day forward, everytime someone appeared at the shop on Thursday morning they were invited to sit with "the ladies." The group has grown and grown; all ages, all levels of knitters. We even have a baby! They entertain each other, they support each other in times of need, they drink tea and eat my fresh baked scones. This morning we even got a phone call from one of the Thursday morning gang that moved to Idaho!

If you've been to the shop, you have seen some of Blanche's other handywork - her paintings. She has been providing us with her beautiful oils and pastels since the very beginning. One of the other members of the Thursday morning group is Anne Turner - she makes beautiful beads and orifice hooks for the shop.

I know that, no matter how tough my week has been, the Thursday morning group will raise my spirits, give me a hug, or whatever else I need to make my day go better.


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