Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Boxes, boxes everywhere...

We just received the latest shipment of Sea Wool sock kits from Fleece Artist. The new spring colors are glorious! (I can't decide between the red or the peachy-pink or the greeny-blue.....). We also have more Breast Cancer Wristband kits made up. If you haven't had a chance to make a couple of wristbands yet, come on by and pick up your kit and the super-easy directions. We also have new colors of Tahki Cotton Classic to look at; the soft stitch markers from Clover finally arrived; and the cable holders everyone has been waiting for are here.

A few days ago we received the remainder of our Spring order of Noro Silk Garden. Have I mentioned how much I love Noro?! It sometimes takes forever to get all the colors in but I always think it's worth the wait. I've been designing crochet patterns for the past couple of years and I always seem to use a Noro yarn!



Elizabeth Metz said...

oh, deb.

You have to post pictures of the giant piles of fleece artist so that those of us not living in the area for a few months can live vicariously through you!


Terri said...

I bought a skein of Sea Wool goodness yesterday. The greeny color. Could not even drive the 5 miles home before pulling it out of the bag to touch it. Glorious!