Monday, April 23, 2007

Saturday thoughts

This past Saturday in the shop I had some nice things happen. (Not that nice things don't happen often....) First, some of the usual suspects where in a little early, enjoying a cup of tea. When I went over to say hi I noticed that they were drinking out of some very special bone china mugs and my heart went all aflutter. Several weeks ago I was going through some of my dad's old boxes and I found some of my mom's old china cups and decided to bring them in to the shop. These mugs hung from a rack in our kitchen when I was growing up and I looked at them every time I did the dishes. My mom loved them but, of course, never used them! I lost my mom when I was only 16 and often think of how much she would love this shop and I know that she would have been thrilled to see her beautiful mugs being used by people who were happy to be together.

The other nice story was passed on to me by our friend Roger. Roger lives in Renton and takes the bus all the way up here to sit and knit. He told us that when the bus gets close to the stop out front, the bus driver always announces: " Village Yarn & Tea Shop next." Okay, so that may not seem like such a great story but I thought it was very cool! We are a bus stop! I guess I'm easily amused.

And, to top it off, I finished my Falling Leaves Shawl!! I brought it in this morning to block. It took 4 skeins of Koigu for the small version and I only used about 1/3 of the fourth skein. It was really fun and easy to do; I just couldn't work on it if I was chatting too much or watching a movie with subtitles. :-)


UPDATE: D'oh! Thanks for reminding me about the fabulous cheese n' chocolate fest! Sharon brought us incredibly edible cheddar (say that 3 times fast) and chocos from her trip to London! Thanks again Sharon!


Anonymous said...

I saw your shawl at the shop tonight when I was there for Ellen's class. It is spectacular! I love Koigu.

Sharon Rose said...

What, no mention of the English cheese-n-chocolate fest? :)

amy said...

i missed cheese and chocolate? boo!