Thursday, April 26, 2007


So, one of our customers came in last week to buy some recycled silk and some silk thrum for a "project." As it turns out, her project was her hair! She felt that she had done too much damage to her hair with coloring and wanted to take a break without looking too dull. She found someone who is an expert at braiding and off she went! Isn't that the coolest thing!!! It will stay in for about 3 months! Maybe this will be the next big fiber trend - Silky Locks!!

Speaking of hair, mine is turning yet another color. When it first started coming back in it was very silver and curly but now it is starting to turn more mousy brown and relaxed. I'm going to wait it out for a few more months to see what happens next before I go in for any color enhancement. (For those of you who haven't known me too long, before chemo my hair was straight and blonde!!) I'm diggin' the short hair for now. :-)


1 comment:

amy said...

wowser! who would have thought! that is some creative hair!