Saturday, March 31, 2007

Saturday stitchin'

Saturday is my favorite day at the shop, followed closely by our Friday night Knit Nights. I like Saturdays because of the energy. There are lots of people knitting, chatting, sharing stories and the occasional pizza from down the street. It is the one day of the week that I don't feel the need to spend loads of time in the back office doing "work." I have learned so much from our Saturday knitters and made so many new friends.

Today was great, as usual. Emma K. brought in some hand-dyed silk hankies that she GAVE AWAY to her friends; the "gang" was there knittin' away and talkin' trash; Rene was teaching her design class; Kim was putting together what seemed to her like a bigillion roving kits; and I got to interview Terri Shea about her new book that is coming out in April - "Selbuvotter - Biography of Knitting Tradition." It is such a great mix of people here today. It really brings home our "Village" theme.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on starting a blog and publishing your first e-newsletter! I love how VYT places an emphasis on community creation and support. You guys are the best!