Thursday, April 17, 2008

Evilla has arrived

After a long journey across the ocean, and many weeks of waiting, Evilla has finally crossed our door and lept on to our shelves.

Oh my. I've latched on to colorway A-66. Grey, lime-green, brown, purple. So, so pretty.

What is Evilla? It's another yarn that comes from Estonia. We heard about it when Ruth Sorensen was here in February. There are two types that we are carrying: the 8/2 or shetland weight, and the preyarn, which is an unspun "yarn" that you can either spin finer or knit at a worsted gauge. It's also supposed be great for fulled items - bags, mittens and the like.

Right now, we are apparently the only shop in the US carrying this line - come in and get yours!

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Look what happens when I go on vacation! I come home and all this great stuff - cupcakes, Evilla, etc, etc, etc!!!

Wow. I gotta get into the shop soon!