Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So, you want to know what this interesting pile of wood and fiber is? Well, this is but a small amount of new VYT staffer Joni's spindle and handspun stash! If there's a spinning gadget in the world, she'll find it and learn to use it. Beneath the Balkan, Lollipop, takhli, handmade bead, Navajo, Akha, Tibetan and Russian lace spindles is an attache charkha. It's a really fun machine invented originally by Gandhi so that the Indian people could always be productive, spinning their own yarn in their moments of downtime. Also living at Joni's house are four spinning wheels (okay, one doesn't work, let's be fair), three more charkhas, many more spindles and a partridge in a pear tree. Oops, wait - that's two fiber-producing cats (yes, she spins kitty!).

Anyway, that's the long way to say that Joni's excited about introducing you all to many new ways of spinning at VYT, using all the yummy fibers we have in the shop. Watch for some fresh, fun classes starting this summer!

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