Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Odds and Ends

Some little news tidbits:

1] The new camera has arrived!! Silly thing is, my daughter just got a new camera - same make, different model - and I'm spoiled by how fabulous hers is! (Hers is 7.1 mega pixels and ours only 5.) I've christened our camera "Hermie" (not sure why) and am testing her out today.

2] The Stitch 'n Pitch people sent the needle cases that come with the tickets. We thought that they would be handed out at the park. So, if you bought tickets from us, please come by our table at the game so we can give you your case!

3] Spots for our Woman's Health Fair mammograms are starting to fill up. Call us ASAP to make your appointment. There is a fabulous goodie bag for anyone who signs up!

Here is Hermie's first photo. What a surprise - it's Noro!

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Yay! A new post! The camera works great! I'll be expecting more posts to tempt me to do even more stash building!

See you guys at the game!