Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fiberpalooza, Part 2

Did you happen to hear a very high-pitched squeal a few days back? If so, that was probably Victoria's response to the receipt of the Blue Sky Alpaca box. (That woman has been waiting and waiting for this order for EVER!) We have more colors than what is pictured of the organic cotton - it takes up the whole shelving unit. Pretty, pretty stuff.

So, this means that we have to sell all the yarn the USE to be in that shelving unit, and lots of other shelves and baskets around the shop, so we have room for all the new pretty, pretty stuff!. Great things are marked down from 25-40% and these great things need a new home. Look, here is a happy customer buying one of her favorite yarns at a great discount! Don't you want to be one of those happy customers, too? (I know - I'm such a transparent sales person but hey - it's a living!)

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