Thursday, October 14, 2010

Coming in November!

Debbie Stoller, author of the Stitch & Bitch books, will be visiting us at VYT for an afternoon of knitting and informal tips and tricks from her new book, Stitch & Bitch Superstar Knitting! Yes, it's true, on Tue, Nov 9th starting at 1pm, she'll sign copies of her book and get to know all of YOU - our wonderful VYT customers.

AND, to top it all off, Susan from Abstract Fibers will be in the house on Nov 11th for our monthly spin-in. Didn't collect enough of the wonderful Abstract fibers during our Oct Knit Nite? Now's your chance to get more!

Mark your calendars with a big, red X so you don't forget to visit VYT on both Tuesday, Nov 9 and Thursday, Nov 11!

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