Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sock Exchange!

It's time for another VYT Sock Exchange! If you love knitting, giving and receiving socks, this is for you!

Here's how it works: sign up for the exchange no later than Sun, Aug 22. We'll put all of your names in a hat and match you up with an exchange partner by Aug 25. Then you'll have until Saturday, Oct 16 to turn your knitted socks in to the shop, where we'll hang them up and have our customers vote for their favorite. On Sat, Oct 23, we'll have a party in the shop, where you'll meet your sock knitting partner and receive your new pair of socks!

Go to our website to download a submission form or pick one up next time you're in the shop. Looking forward to seeing all the fun socks we all knit!

1 comment:

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