Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Did You Know?

One thing you may not know about VYT is that we offer private classes in knitting, crochet and spinning (both spindle and wheel). Cost is $30 an hour and you can split that cost among several people. So if you're looking for a class that might not currently be on our schedule and you have up to 3 friends who want to take it with you, give us a call and probably one of our talented instructors can arrange to teach you! We love making new stitching addicts, after all.

Also, DID YOU KNOW that DEB is almost on her way back from France? We have missed her so much in the shop and know you have too. We're looking forward to vacationing vicariously by listening to her stories about all the fun she had while she was gone! I'm sure she'll blog generously about her trip, so stay tuned for stories!

For your calendars: we will not be holding our monthly Spin-in or Knit Nite in August, because so many stitchers will be on vacation or busy getting ready for school to start, but we'll see you in September. All you Brighton Bag knitters, bring your finished bag in any time between August 1 and 15 and we'll hang them up for a fun display!

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