Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grits 'n Stitches y'all

Hey y'all, it's Ellen, now back from our family vacation to North Carolina. My husband's mom grew up there, and he hadn't been back for 30 years, so we thought it would be great to show our kids part of their "roots".

This trip was full of firsts for me - fireflies (so cool!), cardinals, NC BBQ, vultures (!), a lot of the beautiful countryside and much more. One of the best highlights besides visiting family was checking out the pottery shops in Seagrove. Most were closed on Mondays, but I saw and purchased enough to keep me happy!

My knitting project for the plane and visiting time was socks. I always have a pair of socks on the needles and the yarn of choice for me this time was our Claudia's Handpaints in the Blue Fields colorway. I chose to knit up the No-Purl Monkeys that Sarah of Plucky Knitter fame had recently done. What a quick and easy pattern to knit! The yarn is also so very soft and nice to work with. Apparently none of our North Carolina relatives knit, so everyone was so impressed that I could knit socks.
What do you have on your needles for this summer????

1 comment:

jen said...

Ellen, I'm so jealous! I grew up in NC and miss the fireflies, cardinals (what a sweet song they have), BBQ (eastern NC, not western)... I could go on and on. I'm glad NC showed you a good time. :)