Wednesday, November 19, 2008

About Blended Teas

Many of you have asked about our flavored or blended teas - how do they add the flavor? what makes it a blend? So, I did a little research and I found a nice article that talks about tea blending:

The quick answer is that essential oils are usually used to add flavor to loose leaf teas. All the little pretty bits of flowers or fruit are often just there for decoration and don't add anything to the flavor of the tea. Tea is often blended using big blending drums that rotate to mix the different ingredients. This is why most blended teas (like English Breakfast, for example) have smaller looking leaf pieces - the blending can cause the dried leaves to break up a little. Or, in the case of lower quality bagged teas, the fannings or crumbs that are left after all the good stuff is culled out are used for blending. 

Some of our most popular blends include Deb's Green Pear, Scottish Breakfast, Cherries in the Snow, and our own Village Yarn & Tea blend.

Next week I'll talk about Tisanes which are blended "infusions" that do not contain any tea leaves at all.

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