Thursday, June 14, 2007

Church of the Holy Stitch

I have written about the Thursday morning group lots of times and commented just the other day about how I wish these groups had names! So, the group finally decided to label themselves "The Church of the Holy Stitch." Our youngest member is 6-months-old. They even have their own Vicar! One of the wayward members came to visit all the way from Idaho this morning. The CHS group is great - it absorbs members and makes them feel welcome right away. Come on by!

I start out every Thursday morning baking a fresh batch of scones. This morning it was cinnamon chip and some samples of a new flavor: lemon ginger. Yummmmmm. (Can you smell them?) Then I line up a bunch of tea pots to get ready for the CHS tea orders. This morning they just happened to line up in rainbow order. Ain't they purdy!


knottykitty said...

I thought I smelled baking over here! ;) Love the pic of the tea pots---very artistic!

Terri said...

OK, a new baby to hold and smell AND rainbow teapots? I'm in, what time does the Thursday club meet?

Tava said...

Can I join after the baby comes? Please!